We offer FREE tips and advice to help you improve your own website’s search engine rankings. It is our opinion here at SEO IGNITION that every website owner has the potential to improve their search rankings and website visibility without employing an expensive and often unreliable SEO company. Our mission is to create a major resource for teaching Search Engine Optimisation techniques to those people who may have shied away from optimisation and previously considered it too difficult or complicated.

Who is this site aimed at?

Our main focus is helping small businesses who cannot afford external SEO services and individuals who want to learn more about general optimisation techniques. Larger companies usually have a team of staff to deal with all this stuff or they are able to spend/waste an absolute fortune to employ an agency.

If you are an SEO Guru then you probably know all this anyway but please feel free to join in the discussion and share any posts you find interesting.

Do you charge for any of this information?

No, we do not charge for the information we provide, there are no premium memberships or VIP areas that require a subscription – it is all free. If you have benefited from our advice in some way then we would appreciate a small donation or a click on our sponsor adverts to help keep the site running and to encourage us to keep adding fresh content.

Lets get started…….

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